Are You Putting Digital Lipstick on Your Legacy Pig?

5 min read

There’s more to building a digital company than using the word ‘digital’. How about this for the most boring opening sentence ever? “Last week I joined an event for insurance professionals talking about the challenge of legacy technology.” Well, let me reassure you that the content was anything other than dull. In a small gathering arranged by The Insurance Network a truly passionate group of operations and technology leaders debated how to ensure a customer-centric digital approach even when there are real technology obstacles in place. The event followed Chatham House rules so I’m not going to share specifics, but I was invited…...

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Paolo Cuomo For 20 years I have worked in corporate businesses ensuring they make this most of technology. This has included supermarkets, polices forces and insurance companies. Currently I am focused on two technology areas that will be relevant for most organisations - quantum computing and sustainable tech. My attention is always on the business opportunity rather than simply the technology itself.

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